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Thursday, 29 August 2013

#Back to School - outfits for PE

 Olá! Hoje fiz este post com uns conjuntos para usar para fazer exercício, nas aulas de educação física, no ginásio, em casa ou na rua para correr. O meu professor de educação física exige que se use roupa de desporto para as aulas (visto que alguns professores deixam até deixam usar calças de ganga...), também é obrigatório usar o cabelo apanhado, não ter nenhum brinco ou piercing à mostra e usar relógio. As imagens abaixo são sets que eu faço no polyvore, por baixo das imagens está o link do look no polyvore, caso queiram saber de onde são as peças.
Hey! Today I did this ppost with some outfits to wear while doing exercise during your physical education lessons, or at the gym, at home or while you are running on street. For my physical education lessons I need to bring proper clothes (some teacher don't even mind if you're wearing jeans...), also you must wear a ponytail, you mustn't wear any earring or piercing that is showing and you can't also have a watch. The images showed below are sets I made on polyvore, if you want to know where are the clothes from, click the link under the set.

 PE lessons

PE 2

Espero que tenham gostado! Beijinhos.
I hope you liked it! Kisses.


  1. Estao super fofinhos, gostei bastante!!!
    Bjs ihih

  2. I like the looks you put together, especially the first one :)
    It's not easy to look good while doing sports and sweating ;)



  3. óptimo post com boas ideias!
    Já sigo sim (:

  4. Já sigo *.* Adoro as nike free run! São lindas!

  5. We wish we looked this fashionable when we did PE!

  6. Hi ! I really like your blog, come and visit mine !

    Kisses from Paris <3
